Data Protection

Table of contents
Data protection Automatic data storage Storage of personal data Rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation TLS encryption with https Google Fonts Data protection declaration MailChimp data protection declaration Zoom data protection declaration

data protection
We have written this data protection declaration (version 03.11.2020-111461846) in order to explain to you in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 what information we collect, how we use data and what decision-making options you have as a visitor to this website .

Unfortunately, it is in the nature of things that these explanations sound very technical, but we have tried to describe the most important things as simply and clearly as possible when creating them.

Automatic data storage
When you visit websites today, certain information is automatically created and stored, including on this website.

If you visit our website as you are right now, our web server (computer on which this website is stored) automatically saves data such as

the address (URL) of the accessed website browser and browser version the operating system used the address (URL) of the previously visited page (referrer URL) the host name and IP address of the device from which access is made date and time

in files (web server log files).

As a rule, web server log files are stored for two weeks and then automatically deleted. We do not pass on this data, but cannot rule out that this data will be viewed in the event of illegal behavior.

storage of personal data
Personal data that you transmit to us electronically on this website, such as name, e-mail address, address or other personal information when submitting a form or comments on the blog, will be stored by us together with the time and the IP Address used only for the purpose stated, kept safe and not passed on to third parties.

We therefore only use your personal data for communication with those visitors who expressly request contact and for the processing of the services and products offered on this website. We do not pass on your personal data without your consent, but we cannot rule out that this data will be viewed in the event of illegal behavior.

If you send us personal data by e-mail - thus outside of this website - we cannot guarantee a secure transmission and the protection of your data. We recommend that you never send confidential data unencrypted by e-mail.

Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation
According to the provisions of the GDPR and the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG), you have the following rights:

Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR) Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17 GDPR) Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR) Right to notification – obligation to notify in connection with the rectification or erasure of personal data or the restriction of processing (Article 19 GDPR) Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR) Right to object (Article 21 GDPR) Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing — including profiling (Article 22 GDPR)

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection claims have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority, which is the data protection authority in Austria, whose website you can access at https://www.

TLS encryption with https
We use https to transmit data securely on the Internet (data protection through technology design Article 25 paragraph 1 GDPR). By using TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet, we can ensure the protection of confidential data. You can recognize the use of this protection of data transmission by the small lock symbol in the top left corner of the browser and the use of the https scheme (instead of http) as part of our Internet address.

Google Fonts Privacy Policy
We use Google Fonts on our website. These are the “Google fonts” from Google Inc. The company Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services in Europe.

You do not need to register or enter a password to use Google fonts. Furthermore, no cookies are stored in your browser. The files (CSS, typefaces/fonts) are requested via the Google domains and According to Google, the requests for CSS and fonts are completely separate from all other Google services. If you have a Google account, you don't have to worry about your Google account data being transmitted to Google while using Google Fonts. Google records the use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and the fonts used and stores this data securely. How the data storage looks exactly, we will look at in detail.

What are Google Fonts?
Google Fonts (formerly Google Web Fonts) is a directory of over 800 fonts that Google makes available to its users free of charge.

Many of these fonts are released under the SIL Open Font License, while others are released under the Apache License. Both are free software licenses.

Why do we use Google Fonts on our website?
With Google Fonts we can use fonts on our own website and do not have to upload them to our own server. Google Fonts is an important component in keeping the quality of our website high. All Google fonts are automatically optimized for the web and this saves data volume and is a great advantage especially for use on mobile devices. When you visit our site, the small file size ensures fast loading time. Furthermore, Google Fonts are secure web fonts. Different image synthesis systems (rendering) in different browsers, operating systems and mobile devices can lead to errors. Such errors can partially distort texts or entire websites. Thanks to the fast Content Delivery Network (CDN), there are no cross-platform problems with Google Fonts. Google Fonts supports all major browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera) and works reliably on most modern mobile operating systems, including Android 2.2+ and iOS 4.2+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod). So we use Google Fonts so that we can present our entire online service as beautifully and uniformly as possible.

Which data is stored by Google?
When you visit our website, the fonts are reloaded via a Google server. This external call transmits data to the Google servers. In this way, Google also recognizes that you or your IP address is visiting our website. The Google Fonts API was designed to reduce the use, storage and collection of end-user data to what is necessary for proper font delivery. Incidentally, API stands for "Application Programming Interface" and serves, among other things, as a data transmitter in the software sector.

Google Fonts securely stores CSS and font requests on Google and is therefore protected. The collected usage figures allow Google to determine how well the individual fonts are received. Google publishes the results on internal analysis pages, such as Google Analytics. Google also uses data from its own web crawler to determine which websites use Google fonts. This data is published in the Google Fonts BigQuery database. Entrepreneurs and developers use the Google web service BigQuery to examine and move large amounts of data.

It should be noted, however, that with each Google Font request, information such as language settings, IP address, browser version, browser screen resolution and browser name are automatically transmitted to the Google servers. Whether this data is also stored cannot be clearly determined or is not clearly communicated by Google.

How long and where is the data stored?
Google stores requests for CSS assets for one day on its servers, which are mainly located outside the EU. This enables us to use the fonts using a Google style sheet. A style sheet is a template that you can use to quickly and easily change the design or font of a website, for example.

The font files are stored by Google for one year. Google is thus pursuing the goal of fundamentally improving the loading time of websites. When millions of websites refer to the same fonts, they are cached after the first visit and immediately reappear on all other websites visited later. Sometimes Google updates font files to reduce file size, increase language coverage, and improve design.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?
The data that Google stores for a day or a year cannot simply be deleted. The data is automatically transmitted to Google when the page is accessed. In order to be able to delete this data prematurely, you must contact Google Support at In this case, you only prevent data storage if you do not use our websiteseek.

Unlike other web fonts, Google allows us unlimited access to all fonts. So we have unlimited access to a sea of fonts and thus get the best out of our website. You can find more about Google Fonts and other questions at Although Google addresses data protection issues there, it does not contain really detailed information about data storage. It is relatively difficult to get really precise information about stored data from Google.

You can also read about what data Google collects and what this data is used for at

MailChimp Privacy Policy
Like many other websites, we also use the services of the newsletter company MailChimp on our website. MailChimp is operated by The Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308 USA. Thanks to MailChimp, we can send you interesting news very easily via newsletter. With MailChimp we don't have to install anything and can still draw from a pool of really useful functions. In the following we will go into more detail about this e-mail marketing service and inform you about the most important aspects relevant to data protection.

What is MailChimp?
MailChimp is a cloud-based newsletter management service. "Cloud-based" means that we don't have to install MailChimp on our own computer or server. Instead, we use the service via an IT infrastructure - which is available via the Internet - on an external server. This way of using software is also called SaaS (Software as a Service).

With MailChimp we can choose from a wide range of different email types. Depending on what we want to achieve with our newsletter, we can run single campaigns, regular campaigns, autoresponders (automatic emails), A/B tests, RSS campaigns (sending at a predefined time and frequency) and follow-up campaigns .

Why do we use MailChimp on our website?
Basically, we use a newsletter service so that we can keep in touch with you. We want to tell you what's new with us or what attractive offers we currently have in our program. We are always looking for the simplest and best solutions for our marketing measures. And that's also why we chose Mailchimp's newsletter management service. Although the software is very easy to use, it offers a large number of helpful features. In this way, we can create interesting and beautiful newsletters in just a short time. With the design templates offered, we design each newsletter individually and thanks to the "responsive design" our content is also displayed legibly and beautifully on your smartphone (or other mobile end device).

With tools such as the A/B test or the extensive analysis options, we can see very quickly how our newsletter is received by you. This enables us to react if necessary and improve our offer or our services.

Another advantage is Mailchimp's "cloud system". The data is not stored and processed directly on our server. We can retrieve the data from external servers and in this way save our storage space. In addition, the maintenance effort is significantly lower.

What data is stored by MailChimp?
Rocket Science Group LLC (MailChimp) maintains online platforms that enable us to get in touch with you (if you have subscribed to our newsletter). If you become a subscriber to our newsletter through our website, you confirm by email that you are a member of a MailChimp email list. So that MailChimp can also prove that you have entered the "list provider", the date of entry and your IP address are saved. Furthermore, MailChimp stores your e-mail address, your name, physical address and demographic information such as language or location.

This information is used to send you emails and to enable certain other MailChimp functions (such as evaluating the newsletter).

MailChimp also shares information with third parties to provide better services. MailChimp also shares some data with third-party advertising partners to better understand the interests and concerns of its customers so that more relevant content and targeted advertising can be provided.

With so-called "web beacons" (small graphics in HTML e-mails), MailChimp can determine whether the e-mail has arrived, whether it has been opened and whether links have been clicked on. All this information is stored on the MailChimp server. This gives us statistical evaluations and allows us to see exactly how well you received our newsletter. In this way we can adapt our offer much better to your wishes and improve our service.

MailChimp may also use this data to improve its own service. This means, for example, that the dispatch can be technically optimized or the location (country) of the recipient can be determined.

The following cookies may be set by Mailchimp. This is not a complete list of cookies, but rather an exemplary selection:

Value: Prod
Purpose: This cookie is necessary to provide the Mailchimp services. It is always set when a user registers for a newsletter mailing list.
Expiry date: after the end of the session

Name: ak_bmsc
Value: F1766FA98C9BB9DE4A39F70A9E5EEAB55F6517348A7000001111461846-3
Purpose: The cookie is used to distinguish a human from a bot. This allows secure reports to be generated on the use of a website.
Expiry date: after 2 hours

Name: bm_sv
Value: A5A322305B4401C2451FC22FFF547486~FEsKGvX8eovCwTeFTzb8//I3ak2Au…
Purpose: The cookie is from MasterPass Digital Wallet (a MasterCard service) and is used to offer a visitor a secure and easy virtual payment transaction. For this purpose, the user is identified anonymously on the website.
Expiry date: after 2 hours

Name: _abck
Value: 8D545C8CCA4C3A50579014C449B045111461846-9
Purpose: We were not able to find out any further information about the purpose of this cookie
Expiry date: after one year

Sometimes it can happen that you open our newsletter for a better display via a given link. This is the case, for example, if your e-mail program does not work or the newsletter is not displayed properly. The newsletter is then displayed on a MailChimp website. MailChimp also uses cookies (small text files that store data on your browser) on its own websites. Personal data can be processed by MailChimp and its partners (e.g. Google Analytics). This data collection is the responsibility of MailChimp and we have no control over it. MailChimp's "Cookie Statement" (located at: explains exactly how and why the company uses cookies.

How long and where is the data stored?
Since MailChimp is an American company, all data collected is also stored on American servers.

In principle, the data is permanently stored on the Mailchimp servers and is only deleted when you request it. You can have your contact deleted by us. This permanently removes all of your personal information for us and makes you anonymous in Mailchimp reports. However, you can also request the deletion of your data directly from MailChimp. Then all your data will be removed there and we will receive a notification from MailChimp. After receiving the email, we have 30 days to delete your contact from all connected integrations.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?
You can withdraw your consent to receive our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of the email received. If you have unsubscribed by clicking on the unsubscribe link, your data will be deleted from MailChimp.

If you access a MailChimp website via a link in our newsletter and cookies are set in your browser, you can delete or deactivate these cookies at any time.

Depending on the browser, deactivating or deleting works a little differently. The following instructions show how to manage cookies in your browser:

Chrome: Delete, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Managing Cookies and Website Data with Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies to remove data websites have placed on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies

If you generally do not want any cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. You can decide for each individual cookie whether you allow it or not.

MailChimp is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. For more information, see You can find out more about the use of cookies at MailChimp at, Information on data protection at MailChimp (Privacy) can be read at

MailChimp order data processing contract
We have concluded a contract with MailChimp for order data processing (Data Processing Addendum). This contract serves to secure your personal data and ensures that MailChimp adheres to the applicable data protection regulations and does not pass on your personal data to third parties.

More information about this contract can be found at

Zoom Privacy Policy
We use the video conferencing tool Zoom from the American software company Zoom Video Communications for our website. The company headquarters are in San Jose, California, 55 Almaden Boulevard, 6th Floor, CA 95113. Thanks to "Zoom", we can easily hold a video conference with customers, business partners, clients and employees without installing any software. In this data protection declaration, we go into more detail about the service and inform you about the most important aspects relevant to data protection.

What is Zoom?
Zoom is one of the world's most popular video conferencing solutions. With the "Zoom Meetings" service, we can, for example, hold an online video conference with you, but also with employees or other users via a digital conference room. In this way, we can very easily get in touch digitally, exchange views on various topics, send text messages or even make phone calls. You can also use Zoom to share the screen, exchange files and use a whiteboard.

Why do we use Zoom on our website?
It is important to us that we can communicate with you quickly and easily. And this is exactly what Zoom offers us. The software program also works directly via a browser. That means we can simply send you a link and start the video conference. Of course, additional functions such as screen sharing or exchanging files are also very practical.

What data is stored by Zoom?
If you use Zoom, data will also be collected from you so that Zoom can provide its services. On the one hand, this is data that you consciously make available to the company. This includes, for example, your name, telephone number or your e-mail address. However, data is also automatically transmitted to Zoom and stored. This includes, for example, technical data from your browser or your IP address. Below we go into more detail about the data that Zoom may collect and store from you:

If you provide data such as your name, username, email address or telephone number, this data will be stored at Zoom. Content that you upload while using Zoom is also saved. This includes, for example, files or chat logs.

In addition to the IP address mentioned above, the technical data that Zoom automatically saves also includes the MAC address, other device IDs, device type, which operating system you are using, which client you are using, camera type, microphone and speaker type. Your approximate location is also determined and saved. Furthermore, Zoom also stores information about how you use the service. For example, whether you are “zooming” via desktop or smartphone, whether you are using a phone call or VoIP, whether you are participating with or without video, or whether you are requesting a password. Zoom also records so-called metadata such as duration of the meeting/call, start and end of meeting participation, meeting name and chat status.

Zoom mentions in its own privacy policy that the company does not use advertising cookies or tracking technologies for its services. These tracking methods are only used on our own marketing websites such as Zoom does not sell personal data and does not use it for advertising purposes.

How long and where is the data stored?
Zoom does not announce a specific time frame in this regard, but emphasizes that the data collected will be stored for as long as is necessary to provide the services or for its own purposes. The data will only be stored longer if this is required for legal reasons.

In principle, Zoom stores the data collected on American servers, but data can arrive at different data centers worldwide.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?
If you do not want data to be saved during the Zoom meeting, you must forgo the meeting. However, you always have the right and the option to have all your personal data deleted. If you have a Zoom account, see for instructions on how to delete your account can delete.

Zoom Video Communications is an active participant in m EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. You can find more information on this at
We hope to have given you an overview of data processing by Zoom. Of course, it can always happen that the data protection guidelines of the company change. We therefore recommend that you read Zoom's data protection declaration at for more information.

Source: Created with the data protection generator from AdSimple® Online Marketing.